recording LVTV

Students in Mrs. Newcombe's Communications and the Media class are getting vital skills for success in the workplace every day. Check any list of employability skills, or a job listing, and you'll be sure to see communication skills. Speaking, reading and writing are essential across every field.

Mr. Petty, the district instructional technology coordinator, works regularly in the tech intensive class. He and Mrs. Newcombe changed the format of the regular video announcements . Now  each episode features several video segments about events and people in the high school. The class chose to name the program LVTV. 

Along with the videos, students  work in teams to create content for the hallway monitors around the building as well as the LVTV website. Their podcasts and articles address topics that are important to students, and it lets them practice tech skills, creativity, problem solving, critical thinking and collaboration.

The motivation to do quality work has greatly improved this semester.  Here's a recent episode of LVTV.