Falcon Nation! Tonight is the Senior Parade!! Go Falcons!!!💯💪🏼
over 3 years ago, Loren Dockins
Attention HS students. Below, please find information on Summer School.
over 3 years ago, Loren Dockins
Falcon Nation! Please congratulate Trey Ferris on extending his football career at Manchester University!! Go Falcons!!!💯💪🏼
over 3 years ago, Loren Dockins
Falcon Nation! Please congratulate Trey Ferris and Sam Selesky for qualifying for the MHSAA Boys Track & Field Finals at Jenison HS on June 5th! Also, good luck to both at today’s Meet of Champions!! Go Falcons!!!💯💪🏼
over 3 years ago, Loren Dockins
Falcon Nation! Please congratulate the Varsity Girls Soccer team on their 2-1 victory over Yale today in MHSAA District play! They will face Armada next in the semifinals. Go Falcons!!!💯💪🏼
over 3 years ago, Loren Dockins
UPDATE, UPDATE, UPDATE regarding graduation ceremony tickets! Due to changing conditions, each graduate will now get 3 tickets for The Whiting and 2 tickets to the Capitol Theatre. Thank you for your continued patience and support during these very fluid times. Go Falcons!!!💯💪🏼
over 3 years ago, Loren Dockins
Falcon Nation! Please congratulate Morgan Patterson for making the 2021-2022 Lapeer County FFA Officers Team! Go Falcons!!!💯💪🏼
over 3 years ago, Loren Dockins
Huge shout out and thank you to the Football Program and Coach Love for paying it back today by cleaning up the garden area in front of the HS! Great job and Go Falcons!!!💯💪🏼
over 3 years ago, Loren Dockins
Reminder . . . Meal pick up is today - Wednesday, May 26th, 2021 at the Middle School from 10 to noon & delivered by bus starting at 9:00 - call for location nearest you . . .591-3939
over 3 years ago, Carrie Strait
Chromebooks and chargers for Face-to-Face students are due back Tuesday. They will not be needed at home after that. This is for Face-to-Face students only. Students in: K - 5: Turn them in to your teacher 6 - 8: Drop them off in your 1st hour class. 9 - 11: Turn them in like usual during 7th hour. Families with Virtual students will get more information next week.
over 3 years ago, Mike Petty
F2F Chromebooks due back 5/25
Columbiaville Elementary use the M.E.L. bus 🚌 for an enrollment event. Thank you for all that came out to enroll in our school district. 🖤💛
over 3 years ago, Jenny Kindlinger
New kindergarter Naveh
UPDATE on Senior Awards Night: Due to updated conditions, we are now able to let each senior have a maximum of 4 guests attend the ceremony. As always, thank you for your continued patience and understanding. Go Falcons!!!💯💪🏼
over 3 years ago, Loren Dockins
Falcon Nation! Your Senior Class of 2021 has left their mark!! Go Falcons!!!💯💪🏼
over 3 years ago, Loren Dockins
As we set the Falcons Class of 2021 free to soar today, please note that graduation tickets will be provided to your graduate at the mandatory graduation rehearsal Thursday, June 3rd. Buses will be at LakeVille High School at 8:50am and will return after rehearsal. The graduate will receive two tickets to the Whiting Auditorium and two tickets to the Capitol Theater where graduation will be live-streamed.
over 3 years ago, Tonia Plumb
Reminder . . . Meal pick up is today - Wednesday, May 19th, 2021 at the Middle School from 10 to noon & delivered by bus starting at 9:00 - call for location nearest you . . .591-3939
over 3 years ago, Carrie Strait
5/19/21 meals
Falcon Nation! Your Symphonic Band in in the house tonight for their Spring Concert! Go Falcons!!!💯💪🏼
over 3 years ago, Loren Dockins
Falcon Nation! Please help Mr. Strobridge congratulate Hunter Hawley for making Honorable Mention on the Detroit Free Press 2021 boys basketball All-State Dream Team!! Congratulations Hunter and Go Falcons!!!💯💪🏼
over 3 years ago, Loren Dockins
Falcon Nation! Your MS and HS choirs are in the house tonight for their Spring Concert!! Go Falcons!!!💯💪🏼
over 3 years ago, Loren Dockins
Girls Varsity Soccer is home tonight taking on Byron. Go Falcons!!!💯💪🏼
over 3 years ago, Loren Dockins
girls soccer
Falcon Nation! Below, please find information on Senior Awards Night. Go Falcons!!!💯💪🏼
over 3 years ago, Loren Dockins